A gem from my RSS reader

23 January, 2009

When sifting through my Web and Enterprise 2.0 folder I found this gem on Jermiah Owyang’s blog.  – To give credit where it is due here’s the credit as stated by Jermiah:

Thanks to Joey DeVilla for posting this, who learned of this from David Meerman Scott who was in contact with Capt. Faggard who’s involved with the Airforce’s social media team…

On to the Goodness! This flow chart outlines a process to respond to negative blog comments and I reckon it is awesome. one of the key messages I have been spreading around the office over the last 12 months or so is that negative comments are an opportunity rather than a problem. This flowchart illustrates that in a simple and easy to follow way.


If you receive a negative comment on your or your employer’s blog, don’t freak out!

Have a look at it, then have a think about it and then decide if you want to respond and if so, how you will. Taking these steps will help you and your brand look more professional and in control.

3 Responses to “A gem from my RSS reader”

  1. Mick Leyden Says:

    This is a test comment so I can try out Commentful to track blog comments

  2. Nice post. Glad to see the Air Force has finally recognised the danger of trolls to human safety!

  3. Mick Leyden Says:

    another test comment…

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